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Three Things to Do to Work Effectively in Team Environments

Anthony Lee Winns Jr

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Experienced IT project manager Anthony Lee Winns Jr. serves as an IT specialist in Washington, DC. As such, Anthony Lee Winns Jr. works in a fast-paced environment that obligates him to work effectively as part of a team.

Below are several things people must do to ensure they work effectively in a team environment:
- Be respectful. No matter how in sync team members are, there will be some disagreement at some point. Each member must respect these differences in opinion and recognize that there is no one correct way to approach a project. Belittling colleagues or calling them out for perceived “bad” ideas breeds resentment and undermines camaraderie.
- Communicate well. Teams most often fail because of a lack of communication. Without good communication, teams cannot resolve conflict quickly, and individual members often feel uninvolved or unimportant. Moreover, good communication augments trust and motivation.
- Stay flexible. Priorities and responsibilities can instantly change in a team environment. Consequently, all team members must be prepared to shift their focus without disruption in productivity. Further, they should be trained to handle other team members’ roles in case they have to switch responsibilities.